Below are services that can be booked by private individuals and companies. If you wish to make minor changes or have something special in mind - please do not hesitate to get in touch! Providing customized services is essential to us.

Guided tours
When was the church built? Why did King Gustav V start playing tennis in Båstad? What is the story behind Norrviken Gardens? A guide can give you the answers to the questions, but also enrich you with knowledge that you suddenly realize you do not want to be without!

Text production
With a past as a journalist and language teacher, Ingrid Persson Skog has the skills and passion to take on assignments and linguistic challenges; this withing text genres such as articles, press releases and website information. Short or long texts, basic or advanced levels – that is up to you!

If you are a looking for a stimulating lecture for instance for a company, a conference, a group of friends or a non-profit organisation, please contact Språkguiden Ingrid Persson Skog. Naturally any of the lectures may be adapted to your special requests and wishes.
- Sat, 12 AprHallands VäderöHallands Väderö - den lilla ön med den mångskiftande historien. Nyfiken? Följ med på en guidad vårvandring på vår älskade ö!
- Sun, 20 AprBåstadPå påskdagen, den 20 april, blir det traditionsenligt en guidad tur i Nobels fotspår. Båstad fick sin egen Nobelhistoria när Ludvig Nobel, brorson till den store Alfred, fick ingivelsen att göra Båstad till en turistort med internationell dragningskraft.
- Mon, 21 JulTorekovFölj med på en vandring som tar dig genom Torekovs fantastiska historia från medeltiden till nutid!
- Mon, 28 JulTorekovFölj med på en vandring som tar dig genom Torekovs fantastiska historia från medeltiden till nutid!
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