Hovs Hallar
Magic Hovs Hallar
Discover Hovs Hallar, sensational rendezvous between the Bjäre Peninsula and the sea. Strangely shaped rocks, mysterious caves and smooth shingle beaches in an eerie but still soul-cleansing moonscape are distinct reminders of the power of nature. Seemingly never-ending vistas from the windswept top will take your breath away. Steep hillsides on the other side of a fence might make your head spin. Winding paths, trod by grazing cattle for maybe the past 3,000 years, among fragrant junipers all lead to the beach. Little stone towers, man-made 21st century creations, greet the visitors where the path mysteriously dissolves on the pebbled beach. The suggestive pounding of waves against rocks and rubblestones will be your constant companion. Thus echoing the famous game of chess between Death and the Knight in Ingmar Bergman’s classic movie “The Seventh Seal”, filmed on location here in the 1950s.

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